686th Battlion

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The 686th battalion is
primarily a relief battalion that also supplies combat aid when needed. The battalion is headed by Jedi General Nkerinna Ogbodei (otherwise known as "Kiki Dei"). The name of their Venator class star destroyer is the Radiant.
Throughout the war, they suffered their worst losses during the First and Second Battles of Verocia. The battalion's official color is black, but their unofficial accent color is gold.Home

Commanding Officers:
- Jedi General Nkerinna Ogbodei ("Kiki Dei")
- Commander Bliz
Crusade Squad:
- CMO Cord
- Jax
- Edger
- Ridge
- Marik
- Ratchet
Yuza's Squad:
- Sergeant Cutter
- Yuza
- Ro
- Fortaj
- Jukebox

Wonder Squad:
- Sergeant Rita
- Bubble
- Cupcake / Ro
- Palette
- Murdo
- Strikee
- Waffle
- Sergeant Grey
- Angel
- Onlink
- Trig
- Miser
- Poindex

- Kiiz (Kiki x Bliz)
- JaKi (Kiki x Jax)
- Kiki x Hahkin Persha-Ro
- Yuza and her wife <3

- Sunlaou Cloen (Kiki's cousin and closest friend)
- Hahkin Persha-Ro (Jedi, Kiki's best friend and friend with benefits)
- Master Diyul Obarin
- Nirisa Ogbodei (Kiki's twin sister)
- Commander Bimmie, second in command to Hahkin
Extended Family:
- Kiki's children Pailenam, Dewan, and Paradise
- Marik's wife and three children
- Ridge's girlfriend and four children
- Bliz's partner
- Kiki's aunt and majordomo of the house

HomeTRIGGER WARNING: mentions of sexual assault, miscarriageGender: womanPronouns: she/herAge: 21 at the start of the war, roughly 24 by the endSexuality: demi/grey-biromantic, bisexual (preference for women)Height: 5'10''Weight: 200+ poundsSpecies: VerocianOccupation: Jedi (686th), smuggler (throughout the war), princess (No claim to throne)Weapons: two lightsabers (one hers [broken], one her sister's) and a shoto saberRelationships: Hahkin Persha-Ro, Commander Bliz (friend with benefits), Jax (partner, post order 66), Nirisa Ogbodei (twin, now deceased), Iriyunan Yubu (close friend), Obarin Diyul (master, now deceased)General description: Nkerina Ogbodei (known as Kiki Dei) is a Jedi Knight and General who fought during the majority of the Clone War. She has blue skin, violet eyes without a pupil, and black afro-curly hair. She has a square-round face and full lips. Kiki is a talkative and opinionated Jedi who does what she wants (when she sees fit) but never runs from punishment.Positive traits: caring, outgoing, friendly, outspoken, generally positive and enthusiastic, encouraging, funny, generous, selfless, expressive, kind, curious, open-minded, team work-minded, humble, intelligentNegative traits: dismissive, apathetic, stubborn, not prone to controlling her emotions, low sense of self preservation, self sacrificial, Highly Opinionated, not fond of authority, blunt, ruthless, overthinking, forgetful when off medicationLikes: cooking, eating, socializing, listening to music, dancing, politics, economics, philosophyDislikes: reading (fiction), meditation, repeating herself, shy or insecure people, cops, most authority figures, the council, her master━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━Early lifeKiki was born a princess, the youngest of four daughters, to the king and queen of the planet Verocia. She had a twin sister named Nirisa. In a rare and highly unpopular move, their parents gave both children up to the Jedi Order.YounglingVerocian children often have difficult fully forgetting their prior families because they are such a social species. Due to lasting memories of her mother and an inability to comfortably use the Force, Kiki found it difficult to connect with and feel fully accepted among the Jedi. While crechemaster Berneadeau Namya would eventually help ease Kiki's anxiety and later become a lifelong friend, Kiki would always struggling with feeling a part of the Order.As she grew in the Order, it became obvious that she had a learning disability (the Star Wars equivalent of ADHD), as is common with Force sensitive Verocians. Despite being strong in the Force, two key developments were discovered with Kiki's Force-sensitivity: first, that Kiki's usage of the Force relied on a "floodgate" method of tuning into it. If she tried to connect like a normal Jedi, the emotions and feelings of everyone in the vicinity would heighten dramatically, and her senses would sharpen and become sensitive to a distracting point. After a few moments, everything would calm down and she could utilize the Force as she needed. It's for this reason that Kiki developed the habit of mostly closing off the Force. Second was that Kiki was an empath. These, in combination with her learning disability, made her journey to becoming a Padawan exceptionally difficult. She spends most of her time keeping the door to the Force partially or entirely closed.In the meantime, Kiki took up various forms of physical combat in order to train her mind and keep her hands busy.In terms of friends, Kiki became close friends with Hahkin Persha-Ro and Sunlaou Cloen, Kiki's cousin. Along with Nirisa, the group of friends was inseparable. Kiki and Nirisa did their best to remain connected to their Verocian culture.Verocians were rare in the Order; at the time of the twins' arrival, there were only about thirty-six Verocian Jedi, and they were all adults (the youngest being in his early thirties). Kiki, Nirisa, and Sunlaou were able to learn the Verocian language and the customs, but they also picked up the sometimes radical viewpoints on the Code that the small, tight-knit Verocian community was known for.PadawanKiki's difficulties as a youngling meant the council sought someone who could be a balance to her negative traits. They wanted someone who was rigid, as she was prone to "excessive" questioning and even arguing with Masters, especially about the Code and other parts of Jedi lifestyle. Master Obarin Diyul, known for being an incredibly rigid Jedi, offered to train her to Knighthood. The council obliged, and he became her Master.Their relationship was not good. Master Diyul's sharply critical style of teaching, strict nature, and acidic personality clashed with Kiki's naturally curious and positive temperament. He doled out more critiques than praise, the opposite of what Kiki needed. Feeling that she would never live up to his standards, the Master and Padawan developed a painfully cold and distant relationship. Kiki's close friends noted that her personality instantly changed the moment he was in the vicinity, from bright and outgoing to uncharacteristically quiet and closed off.Kiki attempted to be taken on as a Padawan by Hahkin's master, seeing as the girls were close and Hahkin's master genuinely was worried for Kiki's wellbeing under Obarin, but the endeavor was unsuccessful. Kiki also tried to have Master Namya teacher her because the two were close friends, and he'd always fostered her love of learning and questioning nature. This was also futile, as he was busy with the creche.Most of Kiki's and Obarin's missions were spent doing anti-slavery work around the galaxy, the experience of which informed Kiki's harsh castigations of the Jedi Order during the Clone War. During her final mission as a Padwan, Kiki and her Master were separated, and she had to continue the objective on her own. This led to Kiki successfully aiding and leading a slave revolt, which freed countless men, women, and children from bondage under a harsh mining regime. Kiki formed a lasting bond with Chular Sahines, the leader of the enslaved people of Ninoreth I. Kiki would also form a tense partnership with Beziff Tarsos, the CEO of a massive shipping corporation whom she had to blackmail, and his associate Sarnat Wove, both of Galnero. Kiki would later use these relatinships to her advantage when started the network of channels to help clone troopers desert the GAR.The Council believed this mission, which took roughly five months to complete and required an extreme level of self control and concentration, counted as Kiki's Knighthood trial, and she was Knighted upon returning to the Temple. When she saw she could not get more than an ounce of stiff praise from her Master, she vowed to avoid him all.Kiki is not on speaking terms with her master.KnightAt the start of the Clone War, Kiki was assigned the 686th Battalion, a relief/aid battalion that does battle when their assistance is needed. Her first commander was Commander Ace, a stoic man whom she described as having "a slowly developing sense of humor". Some months into the war, he was killed in battle. Kiki was incapacitated in the same event. Seizing the opportunity, Ace's underling Bliz led the battalion to victory. Kiki field-promoted him and he was sent to Kamino to receive training. He then became Commander Bliz.When the war first broke out some weeks after Kiki's knighting, she'd believed the Jedi would be filling the role of negotiators, as well as offering aid and relief to refugees--as was traditional for the Order. When she learned that the Jedi would be occupying the role of war leaders, and that the army they would use would be a defacto slave army, Kiki created an underground network to help clones desert the GAR. Tarsos offered a means of transportation, and Wove turned his attention away from the deserters that flowed through Galnero onto their next destinations. Sahines would help set up contacts and resources for the clones' new lives. Disgusted with the Jedi's lack of concern for the clones and their rights, Kiki's network was a safety net of both medications and escape routes for clones who no longer want to be part of the army. Sunlaou, Hahkin, and Nirisa help run it. Kiki;s in one of many stints divergence from the Jedi, maintains and has access to the bank accounts her parents set up for her when she was an infant. Besides the occasional dinner out, Kiki personally funds the majority of the network.During her time as a Jedi General, Kiki had many successful relief missions, and the vast majority of her battles were wins with low casualties due to her battle style, which was described as "complex, clever, and cautious". She was also said to be "efficient" and "thorough" on the battle field in terms of destruction of enemy combatants. Kiki became erroneously labeled among her men as a Jedi healer because of her habit of healing the minor cuts and scrapes of clones at the end of battle.During one mission, Kiki and Crusade Squad are captured and taken to a Separatist testing facility/prison, semi-abandoned. Kiki fights her way through the building to rescue every member of Crusade Squad, nearly totally abandoning the Code to do so. While they wait on the cliff for a transport to come get them, a Jedi approaches her--she was a former acquaintance of Kiki's and was the reason they were captured. She was also formerly part of the network. She presented Kiki with an ultimatum: either reveal the network and face trial for treason, or the Jedi would expose her herself. Rather than risk having everything she'd built come apart, Kiki duels the Jedi. Their fight ends when Kiki, seeminly defeated after delivering a brutal headbutt, refuses to back down and lines up for a one-hit duel. The other Jedi obliges. Kiki wins, but takes a grievous wound to the side in the process.Kiki's home planet suffered an invasion by the Separatists, during which her twin sister Nirisa was killed. Kiki's mother and eldest sister are also killed. She realized belatedly that Nirisa, who had a premonition ability, had foreseen her own death and was trying in various ways to say goodbye. Kiki and Nirisa were never as close as Kiki wanted, a fact that caused Kiki great turmoil. Unable to deal with her grief properly at the Temple, she goes to Verocia for a short time to mourn. She also takes Nirisa's body from the Temple back to Verocia for another funeral there. This was done partly because of her own inability to grieve cleanly, and her desire to try and smooth over political relations between the Verocian crown and the Republic. Kiki's sister, now the queen of Verocia, agrees to let Verocia be the main plane that deserting clones escape to.Kiki kept and used her sister's lightsaber afterwards, as her own broke during the battle on Verocia.Kiki's status as a princess of Verocia was one that Chancellor Palpatine tried many times to exploit. Her loyalty to the Jedi, her men, and her home planet is tested when Verocia, a neutral planet, receives offers from the Republic to join their side. Verocia's joining would mean all the other planets in that system would join as well. Kiki, rather than argue in favor of the Republic, encourages her sister to remain neutral and even suggests tax hikes and fees on any visiting Republic citizen, especially the Jedi.During her absence, another Jedi filled in her position as general of the 686th. This Jedi was disastrous to the clone's morale and physical safety. Racked with guilt over her abandonment of her men, Kiki vowed never to leave them again. At the same time, the divide between herself and the Jedi widened.Nirisa's death momentarily shattered Kiki's respect for the rules and sense of danger; she began an ilicit relationship with Commander Bliz. During an annual three-day gala event hosted by Chancellor Palpatine, Kiki, Sunlaou, and Hahkin are blackmailed by Beziff Tarsos and extorted for a bigger cut in order for him to continue his services with the network. It does not work. Sunlaou uses threats and physical violence to keep Tarsos quiet.Following the gala is a private event that Kiki must attend. During this event, Wove also tries to the threaten Kiki, which she thwarts. She is drugged and assaulted by Sarnat Wove. She ends up getting pregnant. Wove is sued by the GAR for assault of an on-duty Republic officer. He attempts to escape to and hide on his home planet of Galerno, but once the GAR releases the warrant, he is extradited. Galnero revokes his diplomatic immunity because they cannot risk souring relations with the GAR and the Republic. Tarsos also abandons Wove since Hahkin hacked into and now holds dangerous information on him. The trial is short; Wove tries to expose the network, but is unsueccesful. Wove is found guilty and sent to prison. Verocia/Republic relations are potentially permanently ruined.The sexual assault drives her decision to leave the Republic, as she can't fathom risking her personal safety again for a regime she does not believe in and an Order she never felt very attached to. The assault pushes her to end her relationship with Commander Bliz (she also cites his recent treatment of Ridge and their ranking difference, which puts him in danger).However, in a rare instance of Kiki lying to the Council, she tells them that she is not yet sure what to do with her child. In reality, she'd decided immediately after reporting the sexual assault that she would be leaving the Jedi Order and the Republic entirely--partly for her own safety and peace of mind, and partly to raise her child. She is pregnant as acting general of the 686th.The ideological differences she has with the Jedi, the fact that she was still expected to serve after having been raped, and her desire for a new life free of killing and violence lead her to choose to keep her child over the Order. In addition, Kiki desired to reclaim her body from a near-total lifetime of violence as either doling it out or being the victim on it, and she felt she could do that by carrying and raising a child.In the meantime, the 686th takes only relief and aid missions so as not to put her health in danger. When she announces that she's leaving in order to raise her baby, Commander Bliz is shocked but wishes her well. Kiki assures him that the child is not his. She goes to one of Verocia's moons to raise her child with her extended family. Kiki gives birth to a baby girl, an event that the men in the 686th listened to over comms. She announces both the gender and her still-strong connection to her soldiers by saying "You have a niece".Kiki lives in a large mansion on one of Verocia's moons. Since she has no serious claim to the throne, she focuses on continuing her work of helping clones escape the Republic, settling many of them on Verocia itself or in one of the friendly planets in its system. Her home consists of many cousins, aunts, and uncles.Order 66 and beyondKiki survives Order 66 because she left a few weeks before it happened. Hahkin and Sunlaou are killed in Order 66. They'd promised to leave the Order and join Kiki on Verocia, but they'd both stayed behind to tie up loose ends and reorganize the network in Kiki's absence.Unable to cope with the grief of having lost all of her friends, Kiki falls into a deep depression. Ridge, whom she'd helped escape right after Bliz ordered his courtmarial, helps care for her daughter. She'd never stopped pulling clones out of the GAR; a few months to a year after Order 66, Kiki pulls out the Jax, Edger, Marik, and Ratchet. They help Kiki move past her grief over her lost family.In need of a second parent for her child, she forms a relationship with Jax, who'd been in love with roughly since he joined the 686th (a fact she was aware of). A combination of her romantic orientation, romantinc inexperience, and Jedi hang ups results in hesitation and commitment issues. Kiki also has a fear of vulnerability, which Jax patiently helps her work through. The two end up becoming a very loving couple.She doesn

HomeDesignation: CT-????
Nickname: Jax
Gender: man
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 12 (biological 24) by the end of the war
Sexuality: bisexual (preference for women)
Height: 1.83 m (6 feet)
Weight: 190 lbs
Species: human
Affiliation: Republic, GAR
Occupation: clone trooper
Weapon: DC-15
Relationships: Edger (closest brother), Kiki (general during war, partner post war)
General Description: Jax is bald and has some acne scarring, but otherwise he's an average trooper. He's a quiet person.Positive traits: caring, gentle, understanding, patientNegative traits: self critical, low self esteem, anxiety, painfully shy, hesitant, passive aggressiveLikes: reading (fantasy books and space!fanfiction)Dislikes: being the center of attention, loud or busy environments, socializing, eggs━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Early Life-Jax, like all clone troopers, was born on Kamino in order to serve the Republic. He and Edger were born to a standard squad of clones. Drill sergeants were especially harsh with Jax in an attempt to force him to be more confident and to second guess himself less, but it had the opposite effect.-During the War-Jax was assigned to the 686th. Jax's sergeant, although not as harsh as the drill sergeants on Kamino, was not very encouraging of him. Jax started developing feelings for General Dei the second he saw her. His sergeant made efforts to remind Jax of the consequences (distraction, transfer) should he let the feelings "fester", which did nothing to help his anxiety and guilt. Edger was more encouraging in the sense that he tried to redirect Jax's attention toward any civilian they came across.Shortly after their arrival, everyone in his squad was killed in battle, save for Edger. The two were trapped in a burning building; they were saved by other members of the 686th. General Dei put them in a new squad she was forming, which she named Crusade Squad. Other members of this squad included Marik, Ratchet, and Cord. Ridge would join at a later date.When General Dei announced she was leaving the Order and the GAR due to her pregnancy, Jax expressed gratitude for her service and nothing but support for her decision. He confessed his love for her by saying he would leave with her if he could. Dei said she knew, a fact that Jax did not find nearly as distressing as he would have expected.-Post Order 66-General Dei's constant show of true value for her soldier's lives impacted Jax. After Order 66 and the rise of the Empire, Jax, Marik, and Ratchet all escaped as a trio, arriving on one of Verocia's moons as deserters. Seeing that Dei needed a second parent to help with her child, Jax offered to be her daughter's stepfather, and the two began a relationship.Jax's time away from the GAR grows his confidence. Although he still has anxiety, he's much better at managing it than beforehand.━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Behind the Scenes and Fun Facts-Even while being in love with Dei, Jax is fundamentally someone who is flattered easily, and thus he's always got some tiny infatuation going on.He had a small goatee (like Waxer's) once, but later shaved it.He hates hair in general. He'd rather be bald than have to deal with his hair.Jax learns to fight with a bo staff from Dei. He uses the lessons as an excuse to be close to her. Coincidentally, his need to impress her means his skill has outpaced that of General Dei's, much to everyone's shock (especially hers). He's the only clone who can beat her in a fight.Jax cannot cook. His sense of smell and taste are actually not as strong as they should be, a fact that isn't discovered until he tries to cook post Order 66 and all the food comes out too salty.Home

HomeTRIGGER WARNING: Depression, PTSD, self harm, suicideDesignation: CT-73737
Nickname: Bliz
Gender: man
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 12 (biological 24) by the end of the war
Sexuality: bisexual (preference for women)
Height: 6 feet 1 inch
Weight: 190 lbs
Species: human
Affiliation: Republic, GAR
Occupation: Clone Commander
Weapon: DC-17s
Relationships: General Dei (friends with benefits), Bimmie (closest brother)
General Description: Bliz has dark circles under his eyes and a short beard that's always on the verge of looking unkempt. He has a sleeve of tattoos all down his left arm, as well as tattoos on his chest and shoulders. He has two large scars on his back from torture during the First Battle of Verocia. He wears a pauldron and a kama.Positive traits:Negative traits: jealous, unprofessional, strict, issues with projecting his feelings onto other people, insecure, hypocritical, alcohol dependent (then alcoholic post Order 66), anger issuesLikes: children, alcohol, poetryDislikes: fish, weather extremes━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Early Life-Bliz was trained as a heavy gunner on Kamino.-During the War-After General Dei's second in command was killed, Bliz took over the battle and led the 686th to victory. Dei field promoted him, and the status of his promotion--instantaneous with subsequent training, rather than raised to be a Commander on Kamino--made Bliz insecure in his rank. His arrogance made him shun rules of decorum and comport, like openly flirting with and chasing women; heavy drinking at celebrations in bars; and being sarcastic with superiors. Immediately after doing things like this, Bliz would get the strong sense that he was failing as a commander. Feeling perhaps more judgement than he was actually being faced with, Bliz would take out his frustration on his men by being heavy-handed with punishment while still exhibiting hypocritical behavior. One prominent example is reminding Jax to stay focused and get his feelings for Kiki under control while he was in a relationship with her.Commander Bliz and General Dei developed a strong friendship during their early time together in the war. After the first battle of Verocia, Bliz develops both PTSD and depression. He'd been taken hostage by Separatists and tortured until Kiki and the rest of Crusade Squad located him and broke him out. Bliz became a depressed insomniac soon after, with most of the little sleep he could get being plagued with nightmares. He turned to alcohol and self harm as a means to cope.Ridge joined the 686th and began causing problems. Bliz, both projecting and seeing Ridge as an example of his being a bad commander, is stricter with Ridge than with any other trooper.Bliz began testing the bounds of his friendship with Dei until they formally started their relationship in her quarters some weeks after she returned from going AWOL. They maintain their relationship until three things happen: first, Bliz abuses his position as Commander to punish Ridge for attempted desertion in a way that is neither fair nor just. Dei is assaulted while on a mission, a fact that Bliz is not made aware of until months later. And finally, Commander Bliz falls in love with General Dei. Dei quickly cuts off their relationship when she realizes that, should they get caught, the consequences would be worse for her than for Bliz.After Ridge was arrested, Bliz received news that his transport ship was blown up my pirates on his way to Kamino. Believing himself to be the cause of Ridge's death, Bliz begins to fill with self loathing. When he learns that Dei is both pregnant and leaving the GAR, he does not take the news well. Bliz asks if the child is his, and Dei says no.-Post Order 66-Bliz is not near the new Jedi General his battalion is assigned, so he doesn't committ Order 66. He watches as members of Crusade Squad (and other clones in the 686th) mysteriously disappear from the battalion. He understands that they're deserting and doesn't try to stop them.Bliz is empty inside, racked with guilt and self loathing. Cord escapes as the second to last member of Crusade Squad. The last one left, believing himself to be alone, Bliz receives an encrypted message from Dei offering to get him out. He has one chance, and he takes it. Commander Bliz fakes his own death and makes it safely to Verocia's moon, where a welcome party awaits. This is where Bliz learns that Ridge is actually alive and well, having deserted more than a year ago by now.Bliz apologizes for mistreating Ridge and does so with the assumption that he will not be forgiven. Ridge forgives him anyways; his acceptance of Bliz's apology mirrors what Bliz said. Despite their being on the path to healing, Bliz's unmanaged PTSD and depression get worse. He becomes an alcoholic. After a suicide attempt, Bliz is placed in a group home for people who need help recovering from trauma and/or mental illness (he gets frequent visits from everyone in the house, including Ridge).Bliz is able to go back home soon enough. He's much better than he was before--not perfect, but better. Although he wants children, Bliz knows he can't raise a child. He helps take care of all the children in the house. In his biological late 30s/early 40s, Bliz finds a partner to settle down with.━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Behind the Scenes and Fun Facts-Bliz gets migraines that are severe enough to make him go blind keep him in the medbay for a day at a time.Bliz has a friendly rivalry with Captain Rex despite their respective general hating each other.Bliz is Rex's #1 fan. It's why he has a pauldron, kama, and double-blasters despite being a heavy gunner.It takes a long time for Ule to warm up to Bliz.Bliz has a good voice and often sings babies to sleep. He's very good with children.Home

Nickname: Ridge
Gender: ???
Sexuality: ???
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 9 (biologically 18) while in the 686th
Height: 1.75 m (5 feet 9 inches)
Weight: 180 lbs
Species: human
Affiliation: Republic, GAR
Occupation: clone trooper, computer and technology expert
Weapon: DC-15
Relationships: Ule (girlfriend), various civilian friends, Dal (former closest brother), Yuza (current closest sister)
General Description: Ridge is a young clone trooper who recently joined the 686th. He is often described as "short" and "babyfaced". He changes haircuts frequently, going back and forth between mohawks and undercuts of various colors. He has three piercings in each ear, a piercing in his tongue, a slit and an eyebrow piercing on his left eyebrow, a bellybutton piercing, and countless tattoos covering both arms and his left side. Most of these decisions were made impulsively (although he does not regret them). He's a very artistic and creative clone, and generally regarded as smart (sometimes too smart for his own good). He's musically and athletically multi-talented and a genius by any standard, able to accomplish most new tasks quickly.Positive traits: funny, outgoing, helpful, friendlyNegative traits: cheeky, rude, self-centered, insubordinate, impulsiveLikes: Singing, dancing, gossiping, hanging out with Yuza, Coruscant nightlife, hanging out with his friendsDislikes: most forms of physical contact, being held accountable for his actions━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━Early LifeDue to a complication in his growth jar, Ridge had to be decanted early at the equivalent of two months old for a normal human baby. Due to this, he never had his chip implanted, and his growth was stunted/slowed compared to other clone troopers.Ridge had always had difficulty fitting in. He was placed into a squad of cadets that had lost a member, and this squad never fully accepted him among their ranks. Ridge was largely isolated from his squad for being the "runt". A drill sergeant takes advantage of Ridge's isolation, treating him with heavy praise for his computer hacking skills before abusing him. With no close ties to his squad and no way to either describe or report what was happening to him, Ridge was repeatedly a victim. He requested a squad transfer right before graduation and was placed in the 686th.During the WarRidge joins a new squad when he enters the 686th and quickly becomes friends with a trooper named Dal, who isn't a shiny but hasn't been in the war long. Dal is like an older brother to Ridge, and Ridge is attached to him as Dal is the first real friend he's had in his life.Ridge at this point was not the outgoing and loud person that he is by the end of his time in the 686th. Prior to this change, the 686th is co-headed by a Chiss admiral who notices Ridge's desire for praise and attention, a holdover from his turbulant childhood. He coerces Ridge into a secret relationship with him, one which Ridge has mixed feelings about but grows to fear and hate as it progresses. Ridge becomes reclusive and quiet; sensing a change in his brother, Dal goes to Chief Medical Officer Cord, who becomes a sort of guardian for Ridge as the two try to figure out what is going on with the trooper.Ridge begins to lash out at superiors and anyone around him. Ridge also begins staying in the medical bay more; he either sleeps there or in a small closet he commandeers for his own personal use as he can no longer stand close proximity with anyone, even other clones. Cord and Dal connect the dots; General Dei had also been noticing alarming behavior from her admiral directed at Ridge. Dal is killed in battle. General Dei gets confirmation from Ridge about the abuse he was suffering, and reports the admiral. The admiral is removed from the 686th and Ridge requests a squad transfer. Dei puts him in Crusade Squad.Ridge nearly fully retreats from general 686th society before suddenly making a comeback with a loud and attention-grabbing personality in an effort to push past the trauma he suffered and take control of his life. Through this transformation, he ends up forming a genuine (but also rank-breaking) friendship with Dei as time goes on. One day on leave, Ridge is wandering around Coruscant when he ends up in a small district that is primarily populated by university students. It's the beginning of the term; some students roughly his age are struggling to move items into an off-campus apartment. Ridge offers to help, which they welcome. After he's done, he asks to use their bathroom; he comes out without his helmet on, and all the students remark on how young he is. Seeing this as an opportunity to learn about the mysterious clone troopers, they pester him into spending the day with them. Ridge gets his first taste of what a normal life is like, and he meets his soon-to-be girlfriend, Ule, in the friend group.During his frequent hang outs with them, Ridge gets a stronger and stronger sense that he has no control over his own body or life. He erroneously connects the abuse he suffered to being a clone. He comes to resent his status as a soldier, especially as every moment he's on leave is spent with his civilian friends.He breaks regs to express his autonomy; Ridge gets multiple piercings in his face and ears. He also impulsively gets a series of tattoos across his arms and chest, the size and quantity of which make his friends worry. He doesn't regret any of them. Ridge becomes a popular and well-liked figure within the battalion for his gossip, social connections, and contraband obtained from Coruscant (candy, snacks).Ridge's friends are not a bad influence on him, but the more time he spends with them, the less he cares about the war or the 686th. He and Commander Bliz butt heads with increasing frequency due to his stubborn and insubordinate behavior. He has few clones whom he really cares about except for Yuza, whom he frequently invites on Coruscanti outings despite her more introverted nature. Yuza is like a big sister to Ridge, and the two become close after bonding over their shared disillusionment with the war. General Dei frequently makes comments about Yuza keeping an eye on Ridge during battle, but not allowing the two to be by themselves because they tend to get into trouble.Ridge does odd jobs while on leave, and he goes so far as to fake-enroll himself as a part-time student in his girlfriend's university soon after he meets them. Many note a total change in his personality when she's nearby, from a normal person to a very doting and perky boyfriend.Ridge's constant toeing the edge of insubordination (a result of his trauma) gets the negative attention of Commander Bliz, who frequently levies unfair punishments on Ridge for minor infractions. Ridge collects so many demerits that he can't get promoted, despite his prowess as a hacker and computer specialist. Ridge calms down some.Yuza falls seriously ill and is sent back to Kamino for treatment. Not knowing that she was actually aided in escaping the Republic by Dei, Ridge reverts to his willful behavior until everything comes to a head. He skips an early battle call while on leave, choosing to stay behind and celebrate the surprise "19th" birthday party his friends throw for him. Incensed, Commander Bliz tracks Ridge down after the battle and essentially rips apart the life he'd built for himself, reporting Ridge for desertion and having him publicly arrested on board the Radiant. Furious, Ridge disowns Bliz.Intervening in a series of hasty and expensive moves, General Dei intercepts Ridge's transport ship and has him moved to Verocia's moon. There, he receives both therapy and a constant source of guidance from Kiki's extended family, all of whom care for him as if he'd always belonged. Ridge comes to regret his behavior and learns to stop resenting being a clone. He misses the 686th.Order 66 and BeyondAs Ridge was pulled out of the GAR well before Order 66, he does not participate in it. General Dei comes back pregnant, and when she gives birth Ridge takes keen interest in her baby, frequently carrying and playing with the child when she's older.Dei gets Ridge in contact with his girlfriend because he'd mentioned missing her more than a few times. Dei makes it clear that due to his essentially fugitive status, they can't meet in person unless she agrees to live with them and keep their secret. She agrees to continue their relationship and moves to Verocia's after she graduates (about two years after the initial call).━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Behind the Scenes and Fun Facts-Ridge is known in the 686th for his amazing singing voice, which can only be heard when he's drunk or the rare times he's in the general showers. He isn't often in the mood to sing, but as always, he's much more open with his friends.Ridge is learning to play the same instrument his girlfriend plays (think something similar to a viola).Ridge is the only clone in the GAR who can convincingly lie.He's double jointed in his right shoulder, so he can turn his arm far enough to touch his elbow to his stomach.Ridge is extremely flexible and enjoys gymnastics.Ridge is borderline addicted to sugar and caffeine.Home

Home-Planet-Verocia is a Mid Rim planet with a tropical climate and weather pattern. The planet has 12 moons, about half of which are inhabitable with the other half used for mining precious resources, fuels, and metals.Verocia is a monarchy, with the head of state being viewed as people who exist to serve the common populace.When children are discovered to be Force sensitive, they're raised in a special academy where they learn to control their emotions and put their gifts to good use, such as medical or therapeutic roles, the arts, or athletics. There are no rules forbidding attachments--in fact, Verocians are not friendly to Jedi. Due in part to their culture and how they are as a species, Verocians generally do not like the Jedi for their view of the Force, the way they separate children from their families, and their role in the war.Verocia maintains a neutral position in the war for the majority of its duration. After being invaded by Separatists in the First Battle of Verocia, the Republic stepped in to help free the planet. The queen of Verocia walked back her promise to consider joining the Republic, citing the use of a slave army--the clone troopers--as a reason she couldn't join. After the Second Battle of Verocia, the Republic formally occupied Verocia, although neither the Verocian government nor the citizens supported the Republic's military presence. The ruling queen at the time (Jedi General Kiki Dei's older sister) was aware that the Republic was only protecting Verocia for their valuable metals and fuels that could be mined on some of their moons.━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Culture-There are five main cultures in Verocia: North (Kiki), South, East (Kiki’s cousin Sunlaou), West, and Desert.The North is the least influenced out of all of them. The North is also the most modernized out of all of them, meaning there are a lot more cities per district than any other place.The Desert tribe (the Ogoka [oh-GOH’-kah]) are a semi-nomadic group that live in Verocia’s small desert.There are dialects for each of the separate areas, although they do not differ that much from each other.━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Verocian Religion-Someone a while ago had asked how I would incorporate my own culture into Star Wars or a sci fi setting of my choosing. I wasn't able to answer very well at the time, but I have a better understanding of what I would do now.Verocians practice a monotheistic goddess-led religion that as of yet does not have a name. Rather than just praise the goddess, ancestors are also a central part to Verocian religion the same way they are to Igbo traditional religion (however, Igbo traditional religion features a pantheon of gods, ancestors, a leader-God called Chukwu, and a uniting life force of sorts called "chi"). She is the goddess of life, fertility, creation--basically all the underpinnings of what makes one a healthy person, and what makes a family a healthy family.Unlike traditional Igbo religion, Verocians also have other non-human spirits of malevolent origin. The average Verocian household will have a shrine/shrineroom dedicated to the goddess, and to their ancestors and deceased family. These shrines can be both outdoors and indoors.An important holiday is the Feast of the Goddess, a time of celebration and joy in which practitioners celebrate the goddess creating the Verocian people.Kiki, for various reasons, considers her religion to be her Verocian religion and not her being a Jedi. She doesn't invoke her goddess, and she's not as devout as she should be, but she prefers the rituals and beliefs that come with being Verocian over those that come with being a Jedi.━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Marriage & Family-In Verocian culture, one normally takes the last name of the person with the most money, the bigger house, the better reputation, or the nicer-sounding last name if all of these are equal. Verocian couples will get money thrown at them/stuck on their foreheads while they're dancing together at their wedding.Verocians are by nature more communal than humans are. All of Verocian society is physically, verbally, economically structured around a) families, and b) reliance on other people.Verocians mostly do home births except for high-risk pregnancies, in which case the birthing parent is placed in a hospital. But even still, this doesn't mean that family and/or friends can't be present (except for during the most emergent of times, like surgery) but for example, when Kiki was delivering her children, her aunt (a Force sensitive midwife who ran the medical aspects of the household when Kiki arrived) was present, delivering the children. At her first birth, her two best friends were there.Birth is seen as not just a medical event, but a family event--a new child is about to be added to the ranks, and it's everyone's duty to support their and the mothers journey getting there. Maternal/infant mortality rates are low for a variety of reasons.In terms of child rearing, it's more family based. The parents are the ultimate authority, but aunts and uncles help to raise, feed, clothe, etc the children. Cousins watch kids, learn about how babies work, and go into their own parenthood with more experience than those who never did. Siblings are not off the hook.Households are multigenerational, with grandparents and even great-grandparents living in the same house as their children. As an example, Kiki's kids were always sneaking into Marik's bed, her other nieces and nephews liked to play with and be carried by her, and all the children would take naps with Bliz when they were young.━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Species Biology-Verocians are a humanoid species native to the planet of Verocia.Verocian females stand at the average height of 5'9 inches, and Verocian males average six feet. Despite their tall statures, the range of heights for adult Verocians is much smaller than that of humans.There are a range of hair textures but only two hair colors: black and blonde. AFAB Verocians can have black (Kiki and her sisters) or blonde (Yuza's wife) but the AMAB ones generally only have blonde hair (Like Kiki's cousin, Sunlaou).There are five skin colors: blue (uncommon), pink (common), orange (common), green (common), or purple (rare) skin. There are six eye colors: red (common), green (common), orange (uncommon), brown (common), silver (rare; blind), or purple (rare). Their eyes are pupiless, but the iris contains trillions of ultra tiny "pupils" that are better able to adapt to the smallest of shifts in light, as opposed to one large hole like humans have. Verocians have much better color detection than humans do. Eye color skips a generation, so Kiki's eye color is one she inherited from a grandparent, not either of her parents.Their diets are also high maintenance body-wise, so they have decently strong stomachs. A lot of the food on their planet is toxic without proper processing and they've developed larger livers because of it. However, sometimes the liver is too big, which means that some babies are born with a disease called liver crowding. Not much can be done except for hoping that the baby grows quickly and the liver "fits". It's not normally a life threatening condition.Verocian gestation lasts about eight months rather than the human nine, which means faster development and/or smaller babies (although Verocians are pretty big as a species so their babies are not that much smaller). Birth lasts in the same range of hours that it does for humans, with subsequent births generally being shorter in duration.Labor can be intensive. There's a condition that parents in labor go through called "limb lock" that's uncommon but well known, wherein the body's muscles all tense so much that, besides contractions and facial movements, the person can't move at all. It's incredibly painful, and it's causes are unknown. There doesn't seem to be a link to number of births. Some speculate that it's a combination of stress, lack of movement during the earlier stages of labor, and the position that the birthing parent chooses when they're in active labor. It starts during active labor (pushing phase) and ends shortly after, when the baby is out. Again, the pain is excruciating and the full-body contraction is uncontrollable. There have been documentations of broken teeth, bitten lips/tongues, etc in some cases of limb lock. Kiki went through limb lock with the delivery of her third and final child.Home

HomeDesignation: CT-????
Nickname: Yuza
Gender: woman
Sexuality: lesbian
Pronouns: she/her
Age: Biologically 19/20 when seen in the 686th
Height: 1.83 m (6 feet)
Weight: 195 lbs
Species: human
Affiliation: Republic, GAR
Occupation: clone trooper
Weapon: DC-15
Relationships: Ridge (closest brother), Amara (wife)
General Description: Yuza has long, wavy hair that she would occasionally dip-dye blonde. She can often be seen wearing purple earrings.Positive traits: gentle, responsibleNegative traits: lazy, eats chcolate despite being allergic to itLikes: taking naps, eating, dessert, pasta, bread, rice, chocolate, running, brushing her hairDislikes: her sergeant━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Early Life-Yuza and her squad made it all the way through cadet training on Kamino. She had a female Mandalorian drill sergeant whom she favored and tried to emulate as a child.-During the War-Yuza didn't have the words to describe her gender identity until she left Kamino. Soon afterwards, she changed her name (Yuza is her second name, not her first) and fully identified as a woman. Social transition was easy, but medical transition was a different story.After expressing to Chief Medical Officer Cord on more than one occasion that she was unsatisfied with her physical appearance to the point of poor performance, Cord began searching for a way to get Yuza hormone therapy without alerting higher ups in the GAR. General Dei and Cord worked together and formed a market of both gender-affirming hormones and other medications that were not available through regular military medical means. Yuza began her medical transition.Yuza had always felt a disconnect from the Republic, and her realization that her autonomy was not respected made her become disollusioned with the war. Since there was no way to transition to her heart's content while in the army, she felt she had no real control over her life. Another clone who shared this sentiment with her was Ridge; she knew part of his story and so understood him on a level she felt no other clone could. The two became very close friends, and Yuza would often sleep in the commandeered closet Ridge occupied (she would also get first dibs on his snacks).Yuza's fast and early disillusion with the war put her at odds with her squad, especially Sergeant Cutter, who felt that Yuza's laziness and lack of interest in fighting were a detriment to the entire squad.While on a mission, Yuza filled her canteen from a stream that she thought was safe to drink from. She didn't see an animal had died and was festering upstream of her position. Yuza became gravely ill and had to be sent back to Kamino. Not knowing how the Kaminoans would react to her medical transition, Kiki intercepts the transport and has Yuza deposited for recovery on Verocia.Yuza wakes up in a strange apartment with a Jedi she doesn't recognize staring down at her. She is given two options: go back to the Republic or stay on Verocia. Yuza chooses to stay.This begins her life as a civilian. Yuza gets to keep that apartment, and she also gets a job as a civilian. Although she is glad to be free, she's incredibly lonely. Her introverted nature makes it difficult for her to make friends at first. She enrolls in a local community college, gets a job, and is quickly pulled into a friend group.Yuza continues her transiton and also begins to come out of her shell. Upon graduation, she and her friends go to a night club where admission is free if you show that you just graduated. Drunk and having too much fun, Yuza meets a woman and gets invited to her private room. They trade contacts and agree to meet the next day.Yuza wakes up hungover and late for the date. She goes to the cafe to find that woman (named Amara) also painfully hungover. Their meeting is awkward at first, but as they both feel better they open up. They agree to go on more dates, and Yuza and Amara become girlfriends.Amara is a model and actress. Yuza does not like the spotlight and so becomes known as Amara's "elusive, mysterious, camera shy lover". They move in together.Fearing not being able to safely continue the relationship, Yuza starts considering breaking up when Amara proposes to her. Yuza reveals firs that she's a clone trooper, then that she ages twice as quickly as a normal human. The time they have together will be painfully short, especially considering how long Verocians live. Amara does not care. The two get married. They have three daughters together.-Post Order 66-Ridge and Yuza meet again once General Dei is able to locate Yuza and set up a meeting. The two have a tearful reunion. They visit one another frequently.━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Behind the Scenes and Fun Facts-Yuza is my first transgender clone OC.Yuza is allergic to chocolate, but she eats it anyways.She already had a voracious appetite, but it only got worse once she started hormones.Yuza eats for comfort and also when she's stressed. She copes better once she leaves, but by clone standards she's chubby.Yuza is a sometimes singer and could often be heard harmonizing with Ridge.Home

HomeDesignation: CT-????
Nickname: Marik
Gender: man
Sexuality: bisexual
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 13/26 by the end of the war
Height: 1.83 m (6 feet)
Weight: 200 lbs
Species: human
Affiliation: Republic, GAR
Occupation: clone trooper
Weapon: z6 rotary blaster
General Description: Marik is a big guy with spiky hair and a beard. He has a very loud and outgoing personality and likes to look at the positives rather than the negatives. A true ray of sunshine.Positive traits: gentle, outgoing, perky,Negative traits: noncontrontational, clumsy and sometimes tactlessLikes:Dislikes:
Early LifeMarik was designated the Sergeant of his squad while on Kamino. He and his brothers were assigned to the 686th upong graduation.-During the War-Marik was sergeant of his squad until a battle killed all of his men. General Dei designated him Sergeant of Crusade Squad, which at that point contained Jax, Cord, Edger, and Ratchet.Marik does his best as a sergeant but is lax on punishment and correction, especially when it comes to Ridge. Although he doesn't agree with Commander Bliz's treatment of Ridge, he doesn't do anything to stop it because of his nonconfrontational nature.-Post Order 66-Marik escapes the GAR with Jax, Edger, and Ratchet, where he settles in quiet comfortably in General Dei's home on one of Verocia's moons. After some time, he meets a woman and has has triplets with her, two girls and a young boy who almost does not make it through the birth.━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Behind the Scenes and Fun Facts-Marik cries at weddings.Marik has a fear of thunder.He's been cheated on seven times by seven different people. None of it killed his belief in true love.He's the designated barber for the 686th.Home

HomeDesignation: CT-????
Nickname: Edger
Gender: man
Sexuality: aroace (repulsed)
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 1.83 m (6 feet)
Weight: 190 lbs
Species: human
Affiliation: Republic, GAR
Occupation: clone trooper, weapons and demolition expert
Relationships: Jax (closest brother)
General Description: Edger is bald and has a scar on his jaw. He an easy going and outgoing person. He's also autistic.Positive Traits: encouraging, level-headedNegative Traits: jealous, dismissive, inconsiderateLikes: chemistry, bugs, black/white thinkingDislikes:━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Early Life-Edger, like all clone troopers, was born on Kamino in order to serve the Republic. He and Jax were born to a standard squad of clones. Drill sergeants were especially harsh with Jax in an attempt to force him to be more confident and to second guess himself less, but it had the opposite effect. Edger would sometimes grow frustrated with Jax's lack of confidence, but he never stopped believing in his brother.Edger's love of chemistry got him training to be a weapons and demolitions expert.-During the War-Edger and Jax were assigned to the 686th upon graduation. When everyone in their squad was killed but them, General Dei assigned them to Crusade Squad.Edger could see that his brother was in love with General Dei and tried his best to discourage Jax from having those feelings at all. His own lack of understanding surrounding romantic feelings meant he often and easily grew frustrated when he felt like Jax wasn't "trying hard enough". He didn't approve of his brother's feelings, but he never treated Jax differently for them.--Post Order 66-Edger escaped the GAR shortly after Order 66. Safe on Verocia's moon, he was able to explore his love of bugs. He never pursued romantic or sexual relationships the way most other members of Crusade Squad did, thinking them annoying, pointless, and kind of gross. His jealous nature means he doesn't fully understand that Jax is able to balance both his relationship with Kiki and his brotherhood with Edger.━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Behind the Scenes and Fun Facts-Edger is the Funcle (fun uncle) and he has a pet spider that nobody wants to touch.Home

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of sexual abuseHomeDesignation: CT-????
Nickname: Cord
Gender: man
Sexuality: aroace
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 13/26 by the end of the war
Height: 1.83 m (6 feet)
Weight: 190 lbs
Species: human
Affiliation: Republic, GAR
Occupation: clone trooper, Chief Medical Officer
Weapon: DC-15
Relationships: Ridge (closest brother)
General Description: Cord is a very serious, quiet, and level-headed medic. He's firm and gets annoyed easily, but he cares a lot about his brothers. He has the standard clone's crew cut.Positive traits: attentive, patient, caring, creative, clever, righteousNegative traits: blunt, direct, arrogant, emotionally distantLikes: anything medical, especially experimental or groundbreaking surgeries or treatments, being a talk therapistDislikes: actually being looked after for his own injuries (doesn't think the other person will do it right), caf with too much sugar or cream, loud people━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Early Life-Cord was an excellent cadet, possessing leadership and creative qualities that immediately got him selected for commander/ARC Trooper training. However, Cord was not interested and requested that he go through medic training instead. The Kaminoans obliged, and Cord became one of the best medical officers available on Kamino. When he graduated, he was placed in the 686th because of the battalion's relief status. The sheer amount of knowledge he had of xenobiology, as well as his clever and life-saving solutions for various injuries, meant he was ideal for the 686th.-During the War-Cord was the Chief Medical Officer of the 686th. He did his best to make sure General Dei and Commander Bliz took care of themselves, as both had self-destructive qualities that he wanted to get under control before they affected the functionality of the whole battalion. When his squad was killed in the same battle that killed Marik, Jax, and Edger's squads, he was placed with them.Cord became a guardian to Ridge when he sensed that he was being groomed and abused by the operating admiral at the time. Ridge frequently visited Cord to sleep and shower in the medbay, as close contact with others wasn't something he could handle. Cord was willing to bend the rules for him, and the medic ended up helping Ridge through nightmares and panic attacks. With the help of Dal, Cord was able to separate the admiral and Ridge.Cord became jaded when he saw that there was little that could be done to alleviate Ridge's pain or make Yuza's transition easier. Watching soldiers get traumatized with no help, and watching soldiers die from wounds that would have been treatable if they'd been civilians on Coruscant only increased his lack of support for the Republic. Cord's awareness of mental illness but the general clone populace's refusal to admit to such "weaknesses" deeply frustrated and worried him. He and General Dei created an underground system of medications to be shared with other medics in the GAR. He attempted to medicate Commander Bliz for his depression, a suggestion which the latter roundly rejected.-Post Order 66 and Beyond-Cord was the last member of Crusade Squad to escape, besides Bliz. When on Verocia's moon with Dei and the rest of Crusade Squad, he began to pursue an education in medicine and became a doctor.-Behind the Scenes and Fun Facts-━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━Despite not actually being one, Cord has "hot dad" syndrome.Cord normally only laughs at Edger's expense.Originally, he was hit by a flashbang and could hardly see, but it doesn't make sense to have someone who can't see be the best medic in the GAR. I'm still attached to him having an odd eyecolor, though.Home

HomeDesignation: CT-????
Nickname: Ratchet
Gender: man
Sexuality: heterosexual (?)
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 13/26 by the end of the war
Height: 1.83 m (6 feet)
Weight: 190 lbs
Species: human
Affiliation: Republic, GAR
Occupation: clone trooper, private
Weapon: DC-15
General Description: Ratchet has a sharkfin like haircut with red in it. He's autistic. Sometimes he stims with his hands by shaking/squeezing them.Positive traits: good at compartmentalizing, unbotheredNegative traits: black/white thinking, a little conceited/self centeredLikes: chill musicDislikes: yogurt, loud/shrill noises━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Early Life-Ratchet was a regular cadet on Kamino. Upon graduation, he was assigned to the 501st.-During the War-Ratchet was in the 501st for only a few weeks. A building collapsed on him and his squad during the battle of Christophsis, killing everyone but him. He requested a transfer and was placed in the 686th, where was moved around squads until he landed in Crusade Squad.Ratchet felt betrayed by General Dei's going AWOL.Ratchet had some difficulty making friends until he met Ridge, whom he took a liking to becaue he thought the shiny "quirky" if problematic.-Post Order 66 and Beyond-Ratchet escaped the GAR with Jax, Edger, and Marik. When he saw Ridge was actually alive, he was overwhelmed to the point of speechlessness, simply hugging and holding Ridge until he had to be pried off.Ratchet had the most difficulty adjusting to the new environment. Different sights, sounds, smells, and routines gave him anxiety, but he was able to settle in eventually, even settling enough to get a job. He met his wife (also autistic) and had two children with her.━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━-Behind the Scenes and Fun Facts-Ratchet doesn't understand most jokes and sarcasm, although he does ocasionally land a joke in the form of a roast (normally Edger's expense).Ratchet is extremely attentive to his environment, and so he was able to figure out very early on the General Dei was pregnant.